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Diana Walker's Healthy Lifestyles
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Dandelion Root Sunrider
Sunrider Dandelion Root


SUNRIDER DANDELION ROOT - Be sure to watch the video below, with Diana Walker and Trudy Stoelting April 4, 2018

DANDELION ROOT – Blood Purifier, Food for the Liver


Ingredients – Single Herb – Dandelion Root




 Dandelion Root is known as a food for the liver, and is very high in calcium and other nutrients.  Some herbal texts mention dandelion’s ability to aid skin problems, detoxify poisons and toxic waste in the body, and act as a tonic to the stomach.  Dandelion is a natural source of protein, and is very high in Vitamins A, B, C, and E.  It is rich in potassium, calcium, and natural sodium, with some phosphorus and iron.  Dr. Chen extracts 4-7 pounds of Dandelion to make ½ pound of Dandelion concentrate!  Other companies just chop up the leaves and roots!


Benefits & Uses


·          Clears toxins

·          Cleans the liver

·          Promotes urination

·          Beneficial for arthritic conditions

·          Gentle, mild, natural Antibiotic

·          Inhibits bacteria and fungi

·          One of the most Detoxifying herbs

·          Beneficial for skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis



The Liver


Louise Tenney writes in Today’s Herbs: “The liver is our personal food storage.  Starches are stored in the liver, and changed to glycogen and released as the body needs energy-building material.  Fats are stored in the liver as well as proteins, where they are changed into amino acids.  White blood cells are manufactured in the liver to destroy germs and poisons, which come from the intestines.  The liver is responsible for the substance that causes blood to clot.  The liver also detoxifies.  It renders harmless the toxic end-products of the digestion process.  When the liver is working properly, it has the task of eliminating toxic metals.  When the liver is in trouble, it puts strain and congestion on all the glands, muscles, joints and the body structure.  Dandelion strengthens the liver with its easily assimilated minerals concentrated in the roots of the plant.”


Suggested Amounts


Start slowly, with 1 capsule a day, and work up. 

Dandelion Root Recipe for “Spring Cleaning” the body or for “Body Cleaning” any time:  Open 2-3 capsules Sunrider Dandelion Root, mix in 8 ounces warm or hot water.  Drink 3-4 cups per day.  Or, just swallow the capsules with water or Fortune Delight.


Note:  you may have to slide the Player back to the beginning of the Video, since it starts further along, instead of at 0 minutes!  Just a glitch....



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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This information is provided for nutrition purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment.  If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.