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WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - How Fat Metabolizing and Sunrider Products Work  (Vitalite Program) – Nourish Yourself to Slenderness!


The body is designed to have an optimal weight and shape.  During our life, choices in lifestyle decisions, eating habits, available foods, and our environment work together to move us away from that optimal position.


Most nutritional and herbal companies have an approach to solving the excess fat of the body by getting the fat out using ways that are not generally healthy for the body.  They use procedures, herbs, or other ingredients, such as Ma Huang (Ephedra) and Guarana (high caffeine content) to this intent.  While these herbs will decrease appetite and increase energy, they do it for the wrong reasons and can have health damaging effects.


Do you want to lose fat, water or muscle?  Of course, we want to lose fat and increase muscle.  It is very important that we eat the Sunrider Basic Program (NuPlus, Quinary, Fortune Delight, Sunectar (Suncare in Canada), SunnyDew (Suncare Plus in Canada) for a minumum of 30 days before incorporating the Vitalite Weight Management Program.  You should be “losing inches” and “feeling great” on the Basic Program and then incorporate the Vitalite Program.  


Also, please refer to SunFit, Action Caps (Vitalite Caps in Canada) and Suntrim Caps – these formulas also assist in your Weight Management goals.


NOTE:   SunFit was introduced by Dr. Chen in 2003.  Please look at SunFit for more information.  This is a wonderful formula, and can be used safely right away in your Weight Management program.


The means is as important as the end.  In Sunrider, the way you achieve weight loss is just as important as the end result.  Consequently, Sunrider strives to take natural body functions and nourish them so they work at optimal levels.  The results are startling! 


Body Part/Function

Sunrider Nourishment

Kidneys:  Maintain proper water and electrolyte balance, regulate acid-base concentration, and filter the blood of metabolic wastes, which are then excreted as urine.  If the kidneys are not working correctly, the liver has to divert its attention to cover for the kidneys, and then the liver cannot focus on its main tasks.

Fortune Delight:  An antioxidant concentrate that assists the body’s natural elimination processes.

Liver:  Secretes bile and is active in the formation of certain blood proteins and in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Slim Caps:   This formula is made up of dark, green, bitter herbs that help to nutritionally assist the liver in:

Ø               Detoxifying

Ø               Enhancing the fast metabolizing of the cellulite fats

Ø               Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides

Gall Bladder:  This is where bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion.  Bile emulsifies the fat before the fat moves into the colon.

Vitalite Sunbar:  The Slim Caps cause so much fat to move through the system that the gall bladder cannot produce enough bile to emulsify all the fat.  Thus, the addition of fiber will firm up the fat and mitigate the diarrhea effect of un-emulsified fat.

Colon:  The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum.  If fat lingers in the colon too long, the body has the ability to re-absorb the fat back into the body.  Consequently, you want the fat to move through the colon as quickly as possible.

Slim Caps:  Slim Caps contain Aloe Vera Leaf, which speeds up the transit time of fat through the colon without causing diarrhea.


Maximizing Your Weight Management Program

There are many optional activities and Sunrider products you can take that will enhance the results of your Sunrider Weight Management Program.

Nutritional Preparation.

Maximum weight management will happen when the body is properly prepared healthwise.

NuPlus  A powerful nutritional foundation containing a variety of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and is a dense complex carbohydrate.

Quinary.  Designed to help address the nutritional needs of the body’s five major systems…endocrine, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and defense systems.

Sunectar (Suncare in Canada) or SunnyDew (Suncare Plus in Canada)  Brings balance as well as nourishment to the pancreas.

Sunrider Weight Management Program

(Vitalite Program)

These are the core products that will enhance the body’s ability to lose weight.  Using all three at the same time is important.

Slim Caps  Start by taking 2 capsules, morning and night, over the first week.  Depending on your response to the Slim Caps, increase until you are taking 6-8 capsules, morning and night.

Fortune Delight  Drink constantly throughout the day.  Do not take Slim Caps unless you are drinking lots of Fortune Delight.

Vitalite Sunbar  Eat at least one per day, depending on the consistency of your elimination.  You may eat as many as you desire.  Three bars give the full daily requirement of 24 grams of fiber.  Also the Vitalite Sunbar contains the Sunrise formula that assists in recovery.

Additional Sunrider Nutritional Aids.  These are additional Sunrider products that will assist in other natural body functions to enhance the weight management processes.

Calli.  Assists in the body’s overall cleansing processes.

NuPuffs.  Great for helping to curb snack food desires.

Suntrim  Promotes proper eating habits by decreasing the body’s desire to eat more than necessary.

Action Caps (Vitalite Caps in Canada)  Nourishes the fat metabolism processes by enhancing the body’s ability to combine lipids (fats) and proteins.

Fibertone  Soluble and insoluble fiber help to maintain efficient digestion.

Vitataste  Inhibits the taste of sugar, assisting your desires toward nutritional requirements rather than taste.

Periodic Rest

Every 2 to 4 weeks you should go off the Slim Caps for at least a week, continuing to eat the rest of the Sunrider products. The actual amount of time off will vary depending on your individual tolerance for intense elimination.

Keeping it off.  We need to change our lifestyle to maintain the results of this program.

Eating Habits  Your eating habits will play a major part in how well you maintain your new weight and shape.  You should review what you eat and try to maintain what is called the 80%/20% Alkaline/Acid diet.  Eat 80% alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables, and 20% good acid foods such as most grains and meats.  Minimize or eliminate the use of popular acid foods such as meat, fast food, prepared or over-processed food, and snacks.


Exercise.  Exercise, like brisk walking for 30 minutes per day, will strengthen your body so it will maintain your optimum weight.  Remember, it takes 30 days of exercising to convince the body that you are serious, and then the results of exercise will begin to manifest themselves.


Pregnancy/Breast Feeding and Weight Management.  If you are pregnant or nursing a baby you should not be on any weight management program.  Part of the nutritional value a mother provides to her baby is the fat content.  This fat, in addition to being nutritionally necessary, provides hormones that are critical to the  proper development of the baby.  As such, doing anything that eliminates this fat would be unhealthy for the baby.  Be patient.  There will be plenty of time to lose your weight and fat after pregnancy and nursing.  Of course, the Sunrider Basic Program is completely safe and recommended to include during Pregnancy/Breast Feeding. 


 * Note:  Slim Caps are not available in Canada.  I personally order from the U.S. every month or 2, and if you have your heart set on buying Slim Caps, and you live in Canada, check with me.  1-800-840-0014




Great AUDIO LINK --- Sunrider Weight Management Program (with Diana, Karla, Trudy, Monday, January 7, 2008)

 – 50 minutes, you can listen here:


Note that the first 5 minutes are not that great, but the remaining 45 minutes are a fantastic call, I think you will enjoy it!  Note that you can move the bar along on the audio link, if you want to skip ahead and listen to different parts, or if you want to listen, and then come back to listen more.

You can download the MP3 file here:




If you would like to purchase Sunrider Weight Management/Vitalite Products immediately:

Choose Diana Walker as your Sunrider Sponsor & Coach




These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This information is provided for nutrition purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or imply treatment.  If you have a medical condition, consult a physician.