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Business Articles > THE ANSWER IS LOVE

“The Answer is Love”

By Keith Mc Bride


The Measure of Success


Everyone has different dreams of success. And every one of these dreams is viable.  What does success mean to you?


Most will agree that success is more than just making a lot of money or driving a nice car.  I like this definition: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”


Success is the gradual step-by step realization of whatever it is we see as important in life.  What’s important in life.  What’s important to you?  Having enough money to comfortably support your family? Helping others feel better about themselves as they improve their healthy?  The Sunrider opportunity is the vehicle that can help you fulfill your dreams of success, whatever they are.


What Is Sharon’s Secret?


No matter how you measure success, there can be no doubt that Sharon Farnsworth is successful.  Sharon’s Sunrider family now numbers close to 50,000 [this article was written in 1988] people, and her monthly group sales volume is in the millions of dollars.  Sharon is a success, and she shows no signs of slowing down.


A number of the letters Sharon receives asks the same question:  “What’s your secret?”


Beginning with this issue, and over the next several months, we will be sharing with you a few of Sharon’s “secrets of success”.  But first, we’ve got to start with the basics.


The Foundation of Success


If you get the opportunity to watch Sharon, the reason behind her success becomes clear.  Sharon loves people.  Her attitude is evident in the way she talks with people—and listens to them.  People are her first concern.


Watching her, it’s obvious that Sharon’s actions are backed by love.  She takes the time to listen to others, and then she meets their individual needs.  Nothing stops Sharon from sharing what she know to be true.  She shares with everyone she meets, with a genuine concern and enthusiasm that lets people know she cares about them.  And people instinctively know that Sharon is for real, and they respond.  You can’t fake sincerity.


Yes, Sharon is a very successful woman.  Does her kind of success seem hard to imagine for “an ordinary person like you?”  Start imagining.


A year ago, Dr. Chen gave Sharon and John a beautiful new Mercedes for their effort and dedication.  It’s an experience to ride with Sharon in this car as it glides effortlessly through the afternoon traffic.  She strikes you as a woman who still can’t believe it’s all true as she tells you what a blessing it is to drive a car that “works.”  (Boy, is that an understatement!)  Today the Farnsworth family has an incredible income and four automobiles which were paid for by Sunrider.  But it hasn’t always been this way. 


Five years ago, John and Sharon Farnsworth were Utah apple growers.  Despite their phenomenal success, they haven’t forgotten their roots.  John still makes his juice fresh daily, and people travel to the Farnsworth home from all over to get the most delicious fresh apple juice anywhere.


Meet the Farnsworths and you’ll quickly discard all the myths you’ve heard about people who become successful in network marketing.  John and Sharon were not “sales pros” who had lots of high—powered contacts.  John and Sharon are “ordinary people.”


It may seem a dichotomy at first.  The Farnsworths are two quiet, conservative people who have lived in Sandy, Utah for over 30 years, surrounded by 50 acres of apple orchard.


Here we have the parents of five children—who teach personal responsibility and the benefits of hard work by example.


And yet, they are also very successful Sunriders, traveling in the company of some pretty high—powered people.  Sharon regularly travels around the world sharing the Sunrider message with thousands of people.  What could possibly bridge these two lifestyles?


In fact, watch any successful Sunrider and you’ll find they come from all walks of life:  The big city or a farm in Ohio.  Some are shy and reserved.  Others are flamboyant and aggressive.  The point is, it doesn’t matter what skills or abilities you may or may not have, successful people have one thing in common: They love people!  Their love comes from the heart,  and it’s catching.


But they’re special, right?  How can we be successful like they are when we have trouble “knowing what to say” to people?


For a moment, let’s not focus on abilities we feel we “don’t have.”  Step back, look at the big picture and determine the strength of your foundation.


In his classic book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”, Og Mandino writes; 


“If I have no other qualities, I can succeed with love alone.  Without it I will fail, though I possess all the knowledge and skills of the world.”


We don’t have to make excuses for what we don’t know how to do.  Those skills come with time.  No matter who we are, we all know how to love.  It’s as natural as breathing.  We don’t have to think about loving others.  But we do have to think about how we choose to act on that love.


Typed from InBalance Volume 1 - pages 21,22

Karla Kneller

Thanks to Karla for typing this.  Diana Walker, 250-833-4754; dwalker@sunwave.net;  www.diana1.com